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“We’ve Come This Far by Faith”

History of the Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church

Jamaica, New York

On March 20, 1955 in the home of our Pastor, Reverend Eldridge Gittens and his wife, Mrs. Ruth Gittens, 13 adults, met for the purpose of organizing an A.M.E. Zion Church in Jamaica, Queens.  Presiding Elder J.H. Tucker of the Long Island District of the First Episcopal District of the New York Conference was present and read the Rules and Doctrine of the A.M.E. Zion Discipline, which governs the organization of a church. A motion was made by Brother Cecil Parker, who later became the first Chairman of the Trustee Board and seconded by Brother Bradley McDowell that they organize as a church under the Rules and Doctrine of the A.M.E. Zion Connection.

A place for worship had to be found and the loft building behind the Bar and Grill on 115th Road and Sutphin Boulevard was secured at a rental rate of $110.00 monthly. In order to get the building suitable for service, members and friends donated paint and gave of their time and effort to get the place ready for Service. A month later, the group moved into their new place of Worship. Mrs. Wagner, the Mother of our Pastor's wife, donated the first Communion Set and Choir Robes. Reverend White, Pastor of the Institutional C.M.E. Church and his congregation donated the seats.

In May 1955 at the Annual Conference, of the New York A.M.E. Zion, First Episcopal District, held at Mother Zion A.M.E. Zion Church, we were recommended by Elder Tucker for admission into the Conference as a Mission Church by the name of St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church.        Bishop William Jacob Walls, Senior Bishop presiding over the First Episcopal District gave his support and the support of the Annual Conference to our small congregation. The Conference agreed to pay half of the rent and with this support, we felt encouraged.

Under the leadership of our beloved Pastor and with the support of the Conference, the small congregation felt that nothing was impossible with God. The main objective being, working towards the up building of God’s Kingdom and the Zion Connection in this section of Jamaica, New York.

It was a struggle to raise the other half of the rent, as well as the expense of the utilities. By this time, some of the original 13 adults were falling off. However, God had a hand in the plan and sent others who were sincere and had the desire to help build his kingdom and expand the walls of Zion. Although few in number, but with faith in God, through prayer and working together selling dinners from the home of our Pastor and the home of Mrs. Essie Shaw, who later became the first Sunday School Superintendent, we were. able to raise our half of the rent. As we grew, so did Sunday School enrollment. During this time, our Sunday School enrollment was about 20 children.

The Pastor was advised by the Bishop and Presiding Elder, to be on the lookout for a regular church edifice.  Shortly after that request, it was brought to our attention the church building that is now the Lemuel Haynes Congregational Church was for sale. We investigated and our Pastor notified the Presiding Elder and the Bishop. However, neither the price nor the building met the approval of the Bishop. Time passed and five months later, a Trustee from the Bethlehem Church (which occupied our present church site) approached Reverend Gittens about the sale of their building. The Presiding Elder was informed and he notified the Bishop. In August, Bishop Walls, Presiding Elder Tucker and members of the Conference Home Missions Committee came to see the church and to make an offer. The Bethlehem Church was asking $67,000.00 for the building. The Bishop offered $50,000.00. For a while it seemed doubtful that the selling church would accept the offer. However, after prayer offered by Presiding Elder S.H.Williams of the Brooklyn District, the Bethlehem Church accepted the Bishop’s offer.  The Home Mission Department of the New York Annual Conference agreed to pay the initial down payment of $15,000.00. We had to secure first and second mortgages of $25,000.00 and $10,000.00.

Our Pastor made several attempts to secure mortgages in our area, but to no avail. Reverend C.L. Wilcox, Pastor of our church in Mount Vernon, N.Y. advised him to make an application to the Unity Life Insurance Company in Syracuse, N.Y.   We applied and they were willing to grant us our first mortgage in the amount of $25,000.00. The selling church agreed to hold the second mortgage of $25,000.00. The New York Conference assumed the responsibility of payment of the first mortgage and we assumed the payment of the second mortgage, a giant step for a handful of people.  We had no doubt, for we knew God was in the midst of the plans and with Him as our guide and under the leadership of our pastor, we launched out in faith.

On January 6, 1956, the Trustee Board held a meeting, those in attendance were Rev. Eldridge Gittens, Brother Thomas Lomax, Chairman of the Board; Brother Bradley McDowell, Vice Chairman; Sister Bea Campbell, Secretary; Sister Mamie Wilber, Treasurer and Brother George Campbell. A motion was made by Sister Wilbur and carried by all, to adopt the plan to purchase the building. The closing date for the purchase of our church home was set for February 21, 1956. When the proceedings started, Mr. Paul Lane, owner of Paul Lane Funeral Home, offered the use of his chapel to hold service, rent free to help us save rent and expenses; we needed every penny. New members began to unite with us as we continued to worship in the funeral chapel.

When the closing day arrived, our treasury was very low however, we scraped together by donations and contributions, $100.00 to take to the proceedings. We wanted to show and prove to the Bishop and his committee, that we were sincere in our efforts. However, Bishop Walls made us feel badly when he referred to our $100.00 as “mere chicken feed”. We were not deterred nor denied, we had faith in God.  It was at the closing that Bishop Walls decided to rename our church “Rush Temple” after one of late Bishops, since the previous Rush Memorial Church no longer existed. After the $100.00 was turned over, the balance in our treasury was $.03 cents.

We had faith in God and His assurance that he would make a way for us. We felt so secure in our faith in God, that upon leaving the closing procedures, Rev & Mrs. Gittens, Brother Lomax, Sister Campbell, Brother McDowell and Sister Wilbur went directly to Knabe Piano Company, where we negotiated the purchase of a brand-new Hammond Organ. The Company graciously extended us credit and accepted the old organ as partial payment.

We moved into our new church home on March 4, 1956. Our congregation began to grow rapidly under the spiritual guidance and leader of our Pastor, Reverend Eldridge Gittens, with God at the helm. We worked diligently, steadily knowing that God was in the midst of our entire struggle. As time passed the Senior Choir assumed payment of the organ and the church kept growing.

Elder J.H. Tucker, our Presiding Elder, passed away and Rev. J. W. Findley became the Presiding Elder of the Long Island District, which we were a part. After two and a half years, we were able to assume the responsibility of taking over the payment of the first mortgage from the New York Conference. This was only possible under the guidance and leadership of our Pastor, Trustee Board and the zeal and support of each member. 

In April 1961, Bishop Walls officiated the “Mortgage Burning” Service. What a glorious day that was in the life of our congregation and membership. Rush Temple had set a precedent in the annals of the New York A.M.E. Zion Conference. No other small congregation had accomplished so much, in such a short time.

In 1964 at the General Conference, the New York Conference was placed in the Third Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Zion Conference under the leadership of Bishop Herbert Bell Shaw, who became our new Bishop. When the General Conference convened in 1968, the New York Conference was placed in the Second Episcopal District, continuing under the leadership of Bishop Shaw

In 1967, Rush Temple launched our expansion program by purchasing the Parsonage in Hollis, New York and in 1972 purchasing the house located in the rear of the church. We saw the need for the enlargement of our church building and started working on plans for a new building.

Bishop Shaw officiated at the Ground Breaking Ceremony and in June 1973, construction began on our $700,000.00 structure. Since we are a Connectional Church and part of the Second Episcopal District of the New York Conference, our Pastor and Trustees appealed to our Bishop for guidance and support and our church was remortgaged.

While construction was being done on the new building, we rented the loft next to the Public Library on Sutphin Boulevard, to conduct services and the business of the church. We remained there until the completion of our new building. During construction, many disappointments and stumbling blocks arose to deter and delay our progress. Through it all we learned to trust in Jesus and lean heavily on His guidance.

In March 1978 our new church home was dedicated with Bishop Herbert Bell Shaw, Senior Bishop of the Second Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Zion Connection presiding. It was a glorious occasion which began with a parade up Sutphin Boulevard from our temporary location to our home and new beautifully designed edifice; with officers, members, friends, community leaders and other dignitaries participating in this historic and joyous occasion. 

Under the spiritual leadership of our Pastor, Rev, Eldridge Gittens and his devoted wife and our First Lady, Mrs. Ruth E. Gittens and the loyal support, devotion and dedication of the officers and members working diligently, the growth and success of the church has been tremendous with the help of God.

Rush Temple and its facilities are able to encompass many areas beneficial to the membership and the surrounding community. Many community groups use the facilities of the Church under the auspices of the church. The After-School Tutorial Program, helps children in reading, math and computer science, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, The Widow and Widowers Ministry, Senior Citizens Ministry and Alcoholics Anonymous are under the supervision of dedicated members of Rush Temple,  Other areas where the church reaches out to the community are through the Hot Lunch Program/Soup Kitchen, Sharing and Caring Program  through, the distribution of clothing, coats and toys to adults and children and the Food Pantry, through the distribution of surplus food items. These ministries and programs are administered by dedicated members of Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church who do all the work involved in these projects to reach out to the community almost on a daily basis.

Pastor Gittens, along with other Ministers of all denominations in the area formed the Southeast Queens Clergy for Community Empowerment, which had tremendous impact on solutions to problems and conditions affecting our community.

The Ministerial Staff of our great church has grown by the grace and inspiration of God throughout the years. Many sons and daughters of Rush Temple have heeded the call to the ministry and have worked and are working in the vineyard. They all acknowledge and reverently refer to Rev. Eldridge Gittens as their “Father in the Ministry”.

In 1992, one of the sons of Rush Temple, Rev, Clarence Carr was elected to the Board of Bishops, becoming the 89th Bishop of the A.M.E. Zion Connection. One of the daughters of Rush Temple, Rev. Earnestine F. Mattox served as Presiding Elder in Atlanta Georgia. These and many others have gone on from Rush to head churches and serve in the A.M.E. Zion Connection.

In February, 1993, our Beloved First Lady and devoted wife of our Pastor, Mrs. Ruth E. Gittens passed away. We were all tremendously heart broken, but grateful to our Heavenly Father, for the shining example of grace, strength and love she shared with her church family.

In 1994, God blessed Rev. Gittens with another help-mate Mrs. Louise Gittens, to continue the work of the church and the up-building of God’s Kingdom here at Rush Temple. Mrs. Louise Gittens served as Missionary Supervisor of the Long Island District and Director of the Christian Education Department at Rush Temple.

On November 18, 1998, the Mortgage on our church was brought to an end, Praise be to God. Those instrumental in bringing this into fruition were, Brother Rudy Washington, Deputy Mayor of the City of New York, Attorney Leonard Boxer and Howard Rubenstein. Under the guidance and spiritual leadership of Rev. Eldridge Gittens and through the hard work, sacrificial giving and dedication of the Trustee Board and the devoted church family, “Our Dream had come true.’  A Mortgage Free Church. “To God Be the Glory”.

On March 28, 1999, Bishop George W.C. Walker, Presiding Bishop of the North Eastern Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Zion Connection, officiated at the “burning” of the 2nd Mortgage of RushTemple A.M.E. Zion Church.

In November 2001, our beloved Pastor, Rev. Eldridge Gittens became ill and was hospitalized. Our Presiding Elder, Rev. Frank E. Jones served as Supply Pastor with the assistance of our own Assistant Pastor, Rev. Georgiana Thompson and the Ministerial Staff.

On April 1, 2002, God called Rev. Gittens home from Labor to Reward. On April 7, 2002. Bishop Walker officiated at the Home Going Service of Triumph for Rev. Dr. Eldrige Gittens. Assisting Bishop Walker, was the first son of Rush Temple, Bishop Clarence Carr and the 49 sons and daughters in the Ministry. Clergy. Dignitaries, members and the community-at-large all came to pay homage to this Great Man of God.

Later in the month of April 2002, Bishop George W.C. Walker assigned Rev. A. Alfred Carson, Interim Pastor until his appointment as Pastor at the Annual Conference in June 2002.

The congregation greeted and accepted Rev. Carson with open arms and after hearing his first sermon, we felt secure in our spiritual guidance and leadership. Rev. A. Alford Carson, a young man, brought new energy as he worked with us through the grieving process. Rev. Carson instituted the 7:00 am Morning Worship Service as well as the Children’s Hour during the 11:00 am Morning Worship held in the lower auditorium. Many other Ministries and Outreach Programs were added to the services offered at Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church.

On May 26, 2002, the cornerstone was laid on the Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church.  Bishop George W.C. Walker, Presiding Bishop officiated; Presiding Elder, Rev. Frank Jones and Mrs. Jones were in attendance and the Masonic Lodge assisted with the ceremony.

In May 2003, Founder’s Day was established in honor of the Rev. Dr. Edridge Gittens, Pastor and Founder of Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church. The Rush Temple family began working on establishing a permanent memorial on the corner of 120th Avenue from Sutphin Boulevard to 143rdStreet, to be named “Rev. Eldridge Gittens Way”.

The Lord sent Rev. Carson a help-mate and in June 2003, he wed Ms. Dorian Jacobs who became his wife and our First Lady. To this union were born two beautiful daughters, Alexiandria and Alexis.

Also, in 2003, Rev. Carson established the Official Family Day and Unity Day, which replaced Men’s Day and Women’s Day.

On the first Sunday in October 2004, the dream to establish a permanent memorial in honor of Rev. Gittens. became reality and the street sign was officially unveiled. In attendance at the ceremony was our Councilman Alan Jennings, who had worked diligently with the Voices of Unity Choir to facilitate the realization of this dream along with Elder Frank E. Jones and Vincent Gittens, son of our beloved founder.

Rev. A. Alfred Carson left our congregation and moved to the position of Presiding Elder of the New York City District and we were so proud of him.

Rev. Melvin L. Tate, was assigned as our shepherd on July 9, 2006. Rev. Tate arrived with his wife Cassandra who unfortunately, became ill and passed away within his first year with us. Time passed and Rev. Tate married Katrina and to this union a son was born. Rev. Tate served Rush Temple faithfully as our shepherd until the Annual Conference in June 2014.

In June 2014 during the Annual Conference, Rev. Isidoa Branch Jr., was appointed as our new shepherd and arrived with First Lady Calandra Branch, who grew up with here at Rush Temple and their two children, son Isidoa III and daughter, Yvette. During his time with us, Rev. Branch hosted and led the 60th Church Anniversary Celebration, District Conferences, Meetings and the Annual Conference. He worked faithfully here at Rush Temple for five years. 

In June 2019, during the Annual Conference, Rev. Quavon Z. Newton was appointed Pastor of RushTemple A.M.E. Zion Church.  On Sunday, June 30, 2019, our new Pastor, Rev. Newton arrived with his wife and our new First Lady, Ashley Newton and their two children, son Qamari and daughter Eden.  Presiding Elder A. Alfred Carson officially presented and introduced Rev. Newton to his new Church Family. After hearing his, diverse background, his walk with Christ and outstanding accomplishments and achievements, the congregation was ready to hear from him. Rev. Newton preached his first sermon here at Rush and the Lord moved in a mighty way. We knew we were truly blessed to have him as our new shepherd. In the months since, Rev. Newton has revitalized, energized and nurtured the congregation spiritually. He is a source of strength, motivation and vision. He has brought to us many things including, a new order and structure for Worship, an official church logo, a Rush Mission/Moto, and a strong social media presence to name a few.

On June 25th, 2022 Rev. Xavier E. Hunter was appointed as the new shepherd of the Rush Temple flock and has come to lead us to new summits.

We are excited about what is happening at Rush, as we honor our past and walk into the future with faith, vision and expectancy.

As we strive to Impact our community with love, service and the word of God.

Empower Generations with biblical understandings and Christain life principles.

Transform lives through evangelism, discipleship and the preached word to fulfill the Great Commission.

Get To Know Us: About

Phone: (718) 529-5719

Fax: (718) 322-2396

119-48 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434, USA

©2020 by Rush Temple AME Zion Church.

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